

February 17, 2022 / 1 Comments

I watch the Olympics. It’s pleasant television viewing. As the games have changed so has my viewing tastes. As the games have changed so has my viewing tastes. I’m not as glued to the games but I wanted to see Shaun White, the snowboarder. I remember him as the Flying Tomato. He ditched that persona to become a businessman.

I like the history dating back to 776 BC as an event to honor the mythological god Zeus. It was a period of peace between the city-states that allowed athletes and religious pilgrims to travel to and from the games safely. Even in those ancient times the games became a political tool used by the city-states to assert dominance over their rivals. There were fewer events and it wasn’t divided between Winter and Summer. Of course, only free Greek men were allowed to participate. As long as they met the entry requirements athletes from any Greek city-state and kingdom could participate.

The modern Olympics are hosted in various cities around the world and the number, type and variety of sports represented has expanded exponentially. The sport of curling made an informal debut in 1924 but it really didn’t get full recognition until Nagano 1998. That’s fortitude.

This could be the lead in for several different conversations about the games. I’m sticking with the fortitude angle.

Evidenced by this blog, I’m an “all in” writer.  I always have something to muse about even when I can’t transfer it from my brain to the page.  I have adopted a BIC attitude. It stands for BUTT IN CHAIR and in time my thoughts transfer themselves to the page. Not writing is never an option for me.

The Olympic athletes are excited and honored to be part of the games. I feel that excitement when I’m immersed in a project.  Watching the parade of athletes during the opening ceremonies you realize that the number of medals is very small in comparison to the number of participants.

Most of athletes are not in medal contention. They participate for the joy of their sport.  They have set a personal goal for themselves and are willing to test their limits.

Sometimes interests change. Mike Eruzione of the famed 1980 Olympic ice hockey team, known as the Miracle on Ice, never played professionally. He said he had reached the pinnacle of ice hockey success.  Mark Spitz the swimmer heart throb of the 1972 Olympics won seven gold medals. His ambition was to be a dentist and had been accepted to dentistry school but his gold medals offered other opportunities.  

Some interests bubble under the surface. In my soul I’m a writer.  First it was stories.  High school added journalism to the list.  Then I evolved into an essay writer. Until an actress friend said you should write plays. I have been fortunate to have some of my work ‘up on its feet,’ in theater speak.

In 2020, I participated in the crazy making 29 plays in 29 days, this is challenge during the month of February. Why did it have to be a leap year?  It was crazy making. I could have stopped anytime but internally it was not an option.  For me, it was a high point in that terrible lockdown year.

I completed 29, lukewarm, first drafts of plays. Several have already been polished up and are looking for homes. Another probably shouldn’t be a play but it should be a YA novel, another process to learn! One three-day assignment was to write a trilogy.  I was not enthused but in the middle of part two I began to fall in love with my characters. It was nearing the end of the month and I was in too deep to change my direction because finishing the challenge was more important than perfection of a draft. That draft and those characters await my return.  

This year I’m striving for a Hallmark Christmas movie script and I’m having the time of my life. Is it going well? Let’s say it’s going as expected.

1 thought on “Fortitude”

  1. juanita boutin

    Fortitude mixed with a major splash of self-confidence can produce some really nice stuff, AM. I always love how you combine the most high-flown objectives with the BIC attitude. You’ll do it all. Do I hear a Christmas carol in the background, or was that the jingle bells on the door of the General Store???

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