

August 17, 2019 / 2 Comments

Friday, August 16

Less pictures today because of Vatican restrictions.  So happy to be on a tour.  Yesterday I felt like I was guessing at what I was looking at.  Besides, it’s more fun to get the stories and and the gossip part of the history.

There are 30,000 visitors to the Vatican a day, probably more today given the Feast of the Assumption yesterday.  It was a crush of humanity.  It is the fourth largest museum in the world. There was so much to take in.  One room was all tapestries. Each one had a different story to tell. the detail was incredible.  I wonder if they are the first graphic novels.  Some were very violent, I can’t tolerate the killing babies.

Another area was painting of maps, deemed to be 80% accurate.  Not my favorite but that it was considered a valuable thing to do fills me with thoughts.  The painter had to be a geographer as well.  What a combo!

Rafaello’s School of Athens was a favorite.  Rafaello was a smart kid.  He had a personality won over everyone’s favor it seems.  He and Michelangelo worked in the Vatican at the same time.  I’d the the One Plus One podcast to  feature them. Michelangelo and Rafaello were amazing the tour guide go me hooked on both of them.

By the time I got to the Sistine Chapel I was on sensory overload. The Last Judgement aside from the story it tells is a painter who has honed his craft in perspective and story. I love the way he painted the cardinal who annoyed him as the devil.

Only after this does one move on to St. Peter’s.  But I’ll make that another post.




2 thoughts on “Vatican”

  1. Debbie Piacentini

    We loved visiting the Vatican and Sistine Chapel. We were there on Good Friday and saw the bleeding cross and listened to the Pope’s Good Friday service from the Coliseum. Have a wonderful time.

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