
Today is the First Day

September 8, 2017 / 2 Comments

September 5

I’m officially retired today.  As a teacher July and August is vacation.  Retirement doesn’t start until one doesn’t get up in the dark and put their coffee in a commuter mug. 

I’m still doing both of those things today in Memphis as the high school counselor. Actually I’m staying late today to help a group of seniors complete the Common App. I’m doing the same thing tomorrow, too.  

Not lucrative but definitely an adventure.  Meredith spent two years in Doha, Qatar but sometimes I think I’m in the far off land.  

For the adventure  I am getting up in the dark and putting my coffee in a commuter mug. Not lucrative but definitely an adventure. Meredith spent two years in Doha, Qatar but sometimes I think I’m in the far off land.  

I’m in a position that my experience is valued. At the same time I’m learning many new things.  There was no sense of impending doom on Labor Day.   While I care about the work that I am doing my investment is without emotion because I’ll return to New Jersey.    In fact the moment this adventure costs me money, I’m out of here.  

2 thoughts on “Today is the First Day”

  1. Retired! That hackneyed phrase, connotes the end of a journey, with continuity. A terminilogical inexactitude. You will perpetually be an Educator, for it flows in your veins, the yearning to show the generations to come, the indefatigable path to success. God’s richest blessings Ann.

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