
The Drive By

September 4, 2017 / 0 Comments

September 4

I pass Central Christian Church often.  I doesn’t look like a Church.  Even modern churches in North Jersey look like churches.  Central Christian looks like a small office building.   

When I passed it last Wednesday there was a sign at the edge of the parking lot.

                                                               Last Thursday of the Month

                                                                   Drive through Prayer

                                                                         7am to 8am

I could barely focus on driving.  This was the last Thursday of the month.  What does this mean?   Any church I ever belonged to didn’t even have a parking lot! This building actually had a covered driveway next to the building.  My brain was exploding but I’ll save the snarkiness for my soon to be 10 minute play.   

How could I resist?  

Thursday morning I was on my own, Natalie had an appointment.  Should I do this?  What are Central Christians anyway?  I knew the answer– probably Trump voters.   Yes, a prayer is necessary.

I drove over.  I could see several men standing at the beginning of the drive through.    A man moved into the lot to meet my car.  I opened the driver’s window.

He leaned on the window frame.   “What brings y’all here this morning? ”  I’m sure the NY plates on my rented car was a puzzle.

“I have an interim job in the high school at IC.”   Even the non-Catholic neighbors recognize IC as meaning Immaculate Conception.

“Whoa, I understand.”  He said pulling back from my car.  High school students have that effect on people. 

We had a brief conversation.  I told him I was newly retired and this job in Memphis was an adventure.  He told me he had retired three times and in October he was taking the really big trip to China and Japan.  

“So he said my prayer for you before you go to the ‘W” word.  Is that your day is peaceful and pleasant and that you can offer your  students the same peace.”

I prayed for him that his trip was everything he hoped it would be and that he continue to feel energized about life.

He stood back from my car and I pulled away.  I was that simple.

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