

Last week I delivered my grandson Benjamin to his guitar lesson at the music store. It is a pleasant walk from our house with most of the walk along the main street in town. Going for a walk has always been my exercise of choice and since the pandemic I pass many of my neighbors …

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Plan Your Vote

I’ve voted already, by mail as most New Jerseyans will do. I’m not really happy about it. Voting by mail is not the same. Twice in my life when I was working out of state. I voted absentee. I didn’t like that either. In fact, I still miss the old-fashioned individual levers for each question …

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Plastic Containers

I don’t know why I decided to write about plastic containers this time but once the decision was made I needed an angle. My inspiration for this blog came from the soft, woozy melody of Landslide by Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac.  Some musing on how I started this piece: Plastic containers are necessary and …

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Back To School

What an understatement to say that 2020 has been tough on families.  There are so many problems intensified by the Coronavirus: the isolation, the worry about disease and money, stores out of stock of everything, even croutons, why croutons?  There was adapting to the work from home situation or worse the not working.  The teachers, …

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September 1, 2020 There’s a new apartment complex being built in town. I’m not sure that more building is best for the town – that’s a subject for a different essay.  I’ve been giving some thought to a new place, and so the curious me went for the tour. The building has central air and …

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World Gone Upside Down is an old English march. Legend has it that the Redcoats played that song as they surrendered the Revolutionary War at Yorktown. A song by the same name represents the same period in history in the Broadway show Hamilton. The world gone upside down is an apt description for 2020.  An …

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Summer Girl

My friend, Natalie coined the phrase Summer Girl. It’s perfect.  It’s perfect for me and my summer birthday. It’s perfect for a kid free from school and homework. It’s perfect for the teacher relishing the freedom from lesson plans, grading and administration demands. While some people whine about the heat and humidity, I love longer …

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Living in A Canceled World

Leaving on a jet plane sounds so much better when Peter, Paul and Mary sing it. It was a view similar to the this plane leaving Teterboro Airport started it all for me.  I was lugging my granddaughter– and believe me lugging is the word- across the parking lot of the Meadowlands YMCA.  I was …

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Working, Working

August 21, 2019 These flowers are in the garden and I wanted a picture for this post. We started at 9am.  Lisa made a few comments and we were in the Writers Army from 10am-1pm.  This is how it works you join a room of other writers and you start writing or typing. You must …

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