
Be An Arts Hero

January 15, 2021 / 7 Comments

My knowledge of government has grown a lot over the last several years. I have a better understanding of how and why things work or don’t work. When I look at the Senate or House chambers I see, for the most part, legislators attempting to balance the needs of over 300 million people. Despite the horrific events of January 6, if I was starting my career over, I would choose to be a career federal civil servant.  I probably would have chosen Housing or Education that is until a few weeks ago.

As a playwright I am a member of the Dramatist Guild, I was asked to participate in the “Be An Arts Hero” project. My play was cancelled hours before Broadway closed last March. Broadway is still closed. The ripple effect for New York City is monumental. Think about it, dinner and a show is a common phrase. It’s bigger than that, much bigger.

I saw the revival of South Pacific, the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical with Joshua Logan around 2008 in Lincoln Center in New York City. I’m not usually drawn to revivals. I was aware of the classic songs from the show including You’ve Gotta Be Carefully Taught.  As far as the story line I knew it was a love story about an American nurse. The musical based on James Michener’s Tales of the South Pacific a Pulitzer Prize winning book in 1947 had become part of my family’s story. My parents married in 1953, in their early twenties with little money between them.  Their honeymoon was taking the bus from New Jersey to see the Broadway show, South Pacific.

The theme of racial prejudice took me by surprise, twice. My parents, particularly my mom as the better storyteller, never mentioned it and the previous summer I had visited Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas. The fictional character of the American nurse, Nellie Forbush is from Little Rock. Central High School was desegrated ten years after the Michener’s book won the Pulitzer. 

I asked my mom, what did people think of the white nurse from Arkansas marrying a man with mixed race children. She thought long and hard before telling me that she didn’t remember any particular audience reaction, except good for Nellie that she married for love.

South Pacific was on the NYC stage before the Civil Rights Movement was on the front page of most newspapers. West Side Story opened in 1957 and Raisin in the Sun in 1959.  The American Theater was teaching racial tolerance before people knew they needed the lesson.

I grew up in an ordinary 1960’s suburban neighborhood. The moms’ sat on the front porches with the babies as the older kids played in the street. When I ran back to the circle of moms’ because of a scraped knee or the need for a drink of water, the moms’ were discussing the book they were reading. I can still name those books and at a young age I wanted to be part of that type of circle.

More than 5 million people have jobs related to Arts and Culture.  It represents almost $900 billion value added to our economy. Think about this, the Arts adds more to our economy than either agriculture or transportation.

It’s time to create a Department/Secretary of Arts and Culture. Yes, President Biden, you need another seat at your Cabinet’s table. This new Department/Secretary would lead the effort for a more deliberate investment in Arts and Culture.

Mr. President and Madam Vice President there is good work being created all around our great country. So perhaps, when planning events for your own entertainment in the White House please consider inviting new artists, with unknown names. Please invite me.

7 thoughts on “Be An Arts Hero”

  1. What a great idea. Other countries have ministers of culture, why can’t we have a secretary. I loved the post. The i clusion and i spiration of your Mom and Dad was so a propos, and i liked the line about running back to the circle of moms and finding them discussing books. A really good post, thought-creating, besides entertaining.

    1. Vincent Amendola

      Ann Mary,

      Your insightful comments about the need for SOCIETY to see the immeasurable value of the
      ARTS and CULTURE in today’s world are so needed at this time, and must be heard and addressed on a Federal level…
      Hopefully one will come to realize that while we are entertained by the ARTS, we are also being informed about serious issues (racism, inequality, misogyny, ageism, slavery, etc.) in our country and the world that MUST be sincerely looked at out of a REAL concern and compassion for ALL humanity!
      I also would appoint you for the Cabinet post ( SERIOUSLY), for I sense sound reason, commitment and urgency in your post — something that is sorely lacking in today’s government — keep me posted, my friend!

  2. I love it! I love it! I was at Lincoln Center, too! AnnMary, you know how to bring out what is so needed today. I appoint you for the Cabinet post because you would make sure that the children that need to go to Broadway get the opportunity. I am thinking of the children of the people that stormed the White House. Those children need exposure to the best educational opportunities that the Arts will provide. This is a great Op-ed for the NY Times and the Washington Post. Encore!

  3. Cynthia R. Murphy

    Ann Mary, this piece is excellent. Kudos! The one small paragraph in which you speak about the moms discussing books they were reading could, (in my humble opinion!), be a little more developed to go along with the rest of the content material which deals with drama entertainment. In any case, I think you should apply for the Cabinet post.

    On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 8:32 PM No Apology…Some Explanation wrote:

    > No Apology…Some Explanation posted: ” My knowledge of government has > grown a lot over the last several years. I have a better understanding of > how and why things work or don’t work. When I look at the Senate or House > chambers I see, for the most part, legislators attempting to balance the > ne” >

  4. Thank you for bringing this mission to my attention it is a good idea to add a position of a top level administration official for the ARTS. The educational and emotional value of the ARTS need to be preserved. I have seen numerous times when the ARTS are at the top of the list of budget cuts. We depend on the ARTS as our outlet, our escape and well being. I will BE AN ARTS HERO and write to my reps asking for legislation leading to arts relief funding.

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